“This is our Father’s world. The Father, Son and the Spirit are its Creator, Savior and Sustaining-Superintendent—and humanity remains God’s project. We live in this Trinitarian-bathed world which, by his loving, wise design, is perfetly suited to finding him and serving others. Divine intention is not in doubt. Of his telos we can be totally assured: One say Jesus will hand over the kingdom to his Father and everything will be perfect. No more tears no pain—just the knowledge that God is God and that he has been right all along. He’s been working on our behalf from creation up to the new heavens and new earth. Modelling our lives upon the Incarnate Christ, who lives and fills creation, we are invited to particiaption now in his life. ”
“We engage in ministry from the point of view that God is always already present to the people and events of out lives. This presence is grace. For those who notice it, receive it and interact with it, this grace becomes a settling, grounding and animating peace. It means we never have to make annything happen. . . . As friends of Jesus, we seek to live constant lives of creative goodness, for the sake of others, through the power of the Holy Spirit. ”
“The triune God’s redemption of the cosmos and the transformation of the human creature so that it might be holy and whole. In becoming holy like God, the human creature becomes wholly itself and therefore truly itself and in this way flourishes. With the cosmos, the mission of God is the establishment of the shalom of God as a visible representation of the kingdom of God.”
“Art brings us into an intentional and intensive experience of the physical, affective and imaginative aspects of our humanity and is characterized by its metaphoric quality.”