
Brian Dennison - Innkeeper

Planning - Hosting - Putting on the Spot

A willing host who makes much of little. To him a smidge of oil is a’plent.  A planner of fora and folly, but never one to pay the rent.

Braelyn Snow - Illuminator

Creating - Visioning - Wisdom

An artist a’dapple in glint and beams to share the Gospel gleam. More than that she doth teach and sing and sews a joyful seam.

Jonathan Jameson - Watchman

Curating - Tending - Welcoming

A watchful curate of culture middle, old and new; steadily seeking to share of Christ through things beautiful and true.

Bryan Biba - Parson

Discipling - Fostering - Feeding

A village parson true; I warrant you; Of Christ’s own gospel he doth preach; of the Bride and Bridegroom is quick to teach.

Abbie Smith Sprünger - Waymaker

Attending - Connecting - Retreating

A bridger of souls out Burnside way. A writer with good things to say.

Christian Swails - Shipman

Adventuring - Mentoring - Stirring

Two lifetimes lived in three decades time; A gypsy soul at start. Through foreign seas with capricious breeze; Transformed is he at heart

Max Belz - Plowman

Plodding - Groundbreaking- Balladeering

A sturdy plowman pushing at a steady pace; Known to strum and sing at a proper time and place.

Richard Rush - Cambridge Cleric

Thinking - Facilitating - Teaching

A philosoph in longe pursuit of knowledge verirty.  He minds his among sundry books and gentle community.

Steve Dantin - Franklin

Purveying - Stewarding - Percussion

A fulsome soul who can amply voice a sermon, song or play; Quick to open the welcoming gates at the corner of 37 and Dray.

Nate Pedersen - Armarius

Archiving * Preserving * Engaging

An archivist and historian who likes his chants Gregorian.


Pilgrim Leadership Model

Our “Pilgrim Model” is based loosely on the Canterbury Tales by Geoffrey Chaucer. Chaucer’s pilgrims are a somewhat motley crew of people who are brought together for the common purpose of visiting the site of Thomas A’Becket’s martyrdom.  As they set out on their journey to Canterbury from the Tabard Inn they decide to share stories along the way. Pilgrim leaders create their own role (pilgrim persona) based on who they are and who they want to be in our collective movement. 

Why is the Pilgrim Model a good fit for Living Creatures?

Living Creatures is a collective Christian endeavor without an official home or organization.  It is not driven by budgets, structures, meetings, committees and programs.  Instead, it is driven by a common pursuit. This Pilgrim Model is a great fit for this collective initiative. Here are a few reasons why Chaucer’s pilgrims provide an appropriate blueprint:

  • They are ultimately pilgrims because of a shared Christian commitment

  • They move towards a common objective.  For Living Creatures the common objective is Sharing and Celebrating the Sacred in Savannah

  • They take active and varying roles in the sharing and receiving creative output

  • They  gather together as they can and when they can

  • They embrace mutual and “good enough” hospitality