Preach it!
We remember Martin Luther King, Jr. for his critical leadership, his fearless stance against racial injustice, his commitment to peaceful resistance and his inspiring public speeches.
Let us not forget that Dr. King was also a committed preacher of the Word!
King was ordained at the age of nineteen as a minister at Ebenezer Baptist Church on February 25, 1948.
This February 25th we are encouraging churches across Savannah to preach a sermon given by Dr. King from their pulpit.
Here are some possible sermons that could be read from your church’s pulpit:
“My call to the ministry was neither dramatic nor spectacular. It came neither by some miraculous vision nor by some blinding light experience on the road of life. Moreover, it did not come as a sudden reaction. Rather, it was a response to an inner urge that gradually came upon me. This urge expressed itself in a desire to serve God and humanity, and the feeling that my talent and my commitment could best be expressed through the ministry. At first I planned to be a physician, then I turned my attention in the direction of law. But as I passed through the preparation stages of these two professions, I still felt within that undying urge to serve God and humanity through the ministry.
During my senior year in college finally decided to accept the challenge to enter the ministry. I came to see that God had placed a responsibility upon my shoulders and the more I tried to escape it the more frustrated I would become. A few months after preaching my first sermon, I entered theological seminary. This, in brief, is an account of my call and pilgrimage to the ministry. ”
-Martin Luther King, Jr. 1959